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Sinner - Mask of Sanity
We have this thing called déjà vu. Literally it means already seen. Those who have experienced the feeling describe it as an overwhelming sense of familiarity with something that shouldn't be familiar at all. Say, for example, you are going for the first time to a concert of SinnerYou know the band, but you never actually heard their music before. When they start playing their first song you are suddenly overwhelmed with an uncanny feeling of having them heard and seen before but being unable to recall exactly when or where.

It is exactly that feeling that overwhelmed me when I received Mask Of Sanity, the new album of German rockers Sinner in my mail. As the first track thundered through my living room I couldn’t help but thinking: ‘haven’t I already got that album? It can’t be as the release date is set for 19th January 2007.' On a track like ‘Thunder Roar’ I could swear I’m listening to Deep Purple with a modern sound. And on several other tracks I hear influences ranging from Scorpions, Accept and other German acts. There are worst bands to be compared with, except Sinner is far from a newcomer to the scene. After more than 20 years they still haven’t managed to create their own musical identity.

Having made that remark, it isn’t that they copy any particular band. The songs show good musical craftsmanship, the album has a good sound. And yes, Mat Sinner has a good voice. But these guys are probably aiming for the ‘most predictable music you can produce’ prize. Even though Roy Z (Bruce Dickinson) co-wrote some of the songs like ‘Diary Of Evil’ it does not transcend mediocrity.

Honestly I must say that the album has its moments. ‘The Sign’ and especially ‘Under The Gun’ are examples of good songs. Far from original, but in this case not really a nuisance. Mask Of Sanity isn’t a bad album, it's just that the ghost of déjà vu constantly runs through my mind. And it is not willing to let me go.
Sinner - Mask of Sanity
70/1001Details MTM Music/SPV
Released on Friday Jan 19th, 2007
Heavy Metal

Writer @Angel on Wednesday Jan 10th, 2007

Tags: #Sinner
Tracklisting 01. The Other Side
02. Diary of Evil
03. Badlands
04. Black
05. Thunder Roar
06. The Sign
07. Revenge
08. Under the Gun
09. Can't Stand the Heat
10. No Return
11. Last Man Standing
12. Baby Please Don't Go (Bonustrack)
Line up Mat Sinner - Vocals/Bass
Christof Leimn - Guitars
Tom Naumann - Guitars
Frank Roessler - Keyboard
Klaus Sperling - Drums